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Car Reviews Enthusiast and much more! Cars are the most wonderful pieces of art ever to roam the face of this earth and many built during the 65-73 era were truly the best without a computer, but many after 73 aren’t bad either lol, join me as we journey through car show, meets, museums, or random finds anywhere here in America! Any of the big 3 or others like AMC or imports as well as exotics are a favorite, and drag racing is a specialty here lol, from all sources of cars either EV Or Fuels!
so please join us let’s have some fun!
Big Guy Car Reviews & More!

Check it out guys Street Car Brawl Racing No Prep at US 41 Speedway That’s Right made my way down to US 41again! #us41 #dragracing #bracketracing #mopar #chevrolet #chevy #chevroletbeat #chevroletcamaro #chevroletcorvettec8 #chevroletcamaross #chevynation #chevycolorado #chevynova #ford #fordperformance #fordmustang #fordranger #fordtrucks #fordbronco #fordfocus #fordraptor #mercury #mercuryracing #oldsmobile #olds #buick #buickenclave #buickregal #buickriviera #buickgrandnational #buickgmc #pontiac #pontiacfirebird #pontiacfiero #pontiacg8 #pontiacgto #pontiactransam #chrysler #chryslerpacifica #chrysler300s #chrysler300 #chrysler300c #dodge #dodgechallenger #dodgecharger #dodgesrt #dodgechargers #plymouth #plymouthroadrunner #carreview #carreviews #bigguycarreviews&more! #mke #noprep #noprepracing #noprepdragracing#supercars #superbike #superbikes #superbikeexhaust #superbikesofindia #superbikerace #superbikeracer #turbo #turbodismount #turboengine #turbo_xtreme #turboprop #turbolife #turbocharger #turbodog197 #turboboost #turbobuild
#noprep #noprepdragracing #noprepracing #rattruck #bracketracing #bracket #bracket #chicagoautoshow #fordbronco #fordbroncoraptor #fordbroncosport #fordbroncodaily #fordbrasil #streetoutlawsnoprepkings #streetcars #streetcartakeover #streetcarbrawl
